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Welcome to the launch of Sojourner Moxie! I wish I could communicate the joy I feel to finally type these words. Hi, I’m Cynthia, a full-time Pharmacist and some-time Preacher with an all-consuming case of wanderlust!

Travel humbles me, expands my thinking, makes me gracious, caters to my curiosity, pushes my boundaries, and feeds my soul! It enables me to breathe the deep breath of the moment.


As a 50-something black woman who travels often, unfortunately, I don’t see many people whose faces look like mine.  Millennials are certainly taking the lead when it comes to travel, both domestically and internationally.  You don’t have to look hard to see people in their 20s and 30s traveling the world.  But if you’re looking for people in their mid-forties and above, that’s a little harder to find.  Black people in their 40s and above, harder still.  And if you want to add to that list, blacks in that age range traveling solo…well, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. I fit that demographic…so I’d definitely want to see more of us out there traveling the world!  


I use social media platforms to share some of the highlights of my travels but still, I wanted one platform that would be the go-to for sharing travel info in greater detail.  More importantly, I wanted to create a space where I could encourage, inform, educate, and share perspectives that would gather a community in general, African American women in particular, around the love of travel.

Do you want to start traveling, but don’t know how to get started? Are you tired of waiting on folks who say they’re going to travel with you but back out at the last minute? Do you want to start traveling internationally? Are flight deals of interest to you? Is safety while traveling solo something you’re concerned about? Are you looking for travel inspiration? If you’ve answered yes to any of the above questions, then this blog is for you!


If I had a dollar for every time someone has said to me, “you’re so brave”, “you have no fear”, “how’d you get so courageous”, “I could never do that, or I’d be too scared to do that” (especially as it relates to my solo travels), I’d have enough money to fund my next adventure.  Admittedly, traveling solo does require a hefty amount of courage, or shall we say moxie and I got it by the pound. My solo trip to Vietnam certainly is evidence of that. Hence, the blog name Sojourner Moxie.  


This is your “go to” spot for travel guides, planning information, accommodation reviews, travel diaries, travel tips, encouragement, and inspiration. All designed to give you the push you need to…just do it! Even if you have to go it alone!

Join me as I continue to push the envelope and live a life full of adventure, relentlessly pursuing new experiences through travel.

Let’s do it together!